allergy reaction
How To Know If You Have Allergies
November 20, 2018
Mosquito Allergic Reaction


The summer months bring longer days, warmer temperatures, and backyard barbeques. But the warm weather also signals the arrival of some unwanted visitors such as mosquitoes. Nearly everyone reacts to mosquito bites in some way, shape, or form. Although the red, itchy bump should not be alarming, these can be a nightmare for people who have mosquito allergies or are sometimes referred to as “skeeter syndrome.” 


Are you Allergic to Mosquito Bites?

A mosquito bite is itchy and usually results in a round red or pink skin bump on the area bitten. When a mosquito bites you, it releases saliva that causes localized redness, swelling, and itching. Contact must last at least six seconds for a reaction to occur. A mosquito bite can cause a variety of reactions but some experience more adverse reactions compared to others. 

There’s no simple blood test to detect mosquito antibodies in the blood. Thus, mosquito allergy is mostly diagnosed by determining whether the red skin bump or areas of swelling and itching occurred after you were bitten by mosquitoes. 


Symptoms of Mosquito Allergy

If you are allergic to mosquitoes, then some of these symptoms may appear after you were bitten: 

  • A large area of itching
  • Lesions
  • Bruising near the bite
  • Hives around the bite
  • Inflammation of the lymph system

According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI), people who are severely allergic to mosquito bites may experience a potentially life-threatening condition called anaphylaxis. This condition is characterized by throat swelling, generalized hives, faintness, or wheezing. Immediately seek medical attention when this happens. 


Treatment for a Mosquito Allergy 

The treatment for mosquito allergy would depend on how much the mosquito bite symptoms affect you. If they are not bothersome, then there’s no reason for treatment. However, if the bite makes you uncomfortable, you can take an antihistamine as these can help with swelling and lessen the risk of developing a reaction. You can also apply hydrocortisone cream to the bitten area. In cases of anaphylaxis, the use of an epinephrine auto-injector may be necessary. It may be best to keep one on you if you’ve been diagnosed with a mosquito allergy. 

Your doctor may prescribe immunotherapy if you frequently experience adverse reactions to mosquito bites. This type of therapy may help cure your mosquito allergy. 


Avoiding Mosquitoes

During the summer, it may seem impossible to avoid mosquitoes but there are ways to reduce your chances of getting mosquito bites. 

  • Stay indoors as much as possible.
  • During the day, don’t stand near humid areas and avoid pools of standing water as these are popular places for mosquitoes to hang out. 
  • Empty unused containers such as flower pots and unclog rain gutters.
  • Wear clothing that covers most of your skin to minimize the chances of mosquito bites. 
  • Close your windows so that mosquitoes can’t get inside your home.
  • Apply insect repellents containing the active ingredient DEET.



Mosquito allergy doesn’t cause any long-term illnesses or lifestyle intrusions when it’s properly managed. You just have to be aware of mosquitoes around you and have the right tools on hand in case you get bitten.

If you have had reactions to mosquito bites in the past, you could be allergic. Dr. Paul Jantzi is a board-certified allergist and immunologist, providing allergy treatments in Texas. Schedule an allergy testing with him and let him create a treatment plan for you!


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