covid 19 vaccine
Is COVID-19 Vaccine Safe for People With Allergies?
February 19, 2021
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COVID-19 Vaccines: What You Need to Know
March 24, 2021
spring allergy season


As seasons begin to change, plants will begin to bloom and release pollen into the air. Symptoms such as sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose, and nasal congestion will start to appear, affecting your quality of life. Over the past few years, there has been a consistent increase in the length and intensity of the allergy season. This year should be no different. If you’re a spring allergy sufferer, you might want to think first before you open that window.


Ways to Prepare for Spring Allergy Season

  • Take extra steps when pollen counts are high.

During the spring season, there’s a lot of pollen in the air. Thus, you need to keep track of the pollen count. Keep yourself updated on the current pollen levels and make sure you start taking your allergy medications if the forecasts are high.


  • Keep the mold out.

Humid conditions can significantly contribute to an increased level of allergens. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) recommends cleaning your home of mold. Focus on the areas such as bathrooms, kitchens, basements, and any other areas with leaks or moisture. Use a dehumidifier to reduce the dryness in the air. It will help keep your home environment clean and eradicate future allergic reactions. 


  • Stock up your medicine cabinet.

There are several medications that can help you survive the allergy season. Be ready to start your allergy medication as soon as your symptoms begin. You can purchase antihistamines, decongestants, steroidal nasal sprays, and eye drops. All of these medications can be used together or separately to reduce symptoms.


  • Keeps your windows closed.

When the weather is finally warm, it sometimes becomes tempting to open our windows and just let the fresh air in. However, this might bring pollen inside your home. Keeping your windows closed can be a lot safer and will prevent allergic reactions. 


  • Time your activities appropriately.

It is important to know when to go out during the spring season. If you’re allergic to pollen, going out in the afternoon and early evening might be a bad idea. These are the peak pollination times for grasses. As much as possible, go outside after a good rain. The rain helps clear out pollen from the air.


  • Keep your indoor air clean.

Control the quality of your indoor air by using highly efficient air filters to trap allergens and dust. Cleaning your carpets, rugs, and floor mats with a vacuum cleaner that has a high-efficient particulate air (HEPA) filter may help in removing the hidden dirt and pollen in your carpets.


Final Thoughts

You don’t have to suffer from spring allergy season. With a few preventative actions and preparations, you can enjoy the wonderful weather and great outdoors without succumbing to your allergy symptoms. 

If you have spring allergies and over-the-counter medications are not cutting it anymore, you can contact an allergist for him to recommend some other treatment options for you. Dr. Paul Jantzi is a board-certified allergist in the Brazos Valley region. He provides different treatments and allergy tests to clients at numerous locations in the south-central Texas region. You can visit him at his office locations or call their contact numbers to set up an appointment

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