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Prick Test: A Common Method To Diagnose Allergy
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allergy shots work
Do Allergy Shots Really Work?
September 23, 2020
allergy shots side effects and efficacy

The Problem

Allergy sufferers know the routine. Itchy eyes. Fatigue. The constant coughing and sneezing. Living with allergies is a constant challenge. For some patients, allergies can even be life-threatening. Over-the-counter medications are sometimes not enough. Maybe it’s time to try other effective treatments that can bring long-lasting relief. 


What are Allergy Shots and Why You Should Try Them 

Millions of Americans experience allergies each year. It is one of the leading causes of chronic illness. Some allergy sufferers treat their symptoms with antihistamines, nasal decongestants, and other inflammatory medications. However, one treatment could relieve your allergy symptoms in the long run – it’s a  simple allergy shot. 

Allergy shots are a long-term treatment that decreases symptoms. It reduces your sensitivity to allergens, often leading to extended relief of allergy symptoms. Allergy shots can treat allergies brought on by dust mites, molds, pet dander, stinging insects, and pollen. 

During the treatment, you’ll be injected with tiny amounts of a foreign substance (allergen) to cause an allergic reaction. This constant exposure to the allergen will help the body adapt to it and stop generating symptoms. It could greatly help manage your symptoms. If you’re looking for a long-term solution for your condition, immunotherapy in the form of allergy shots may be the best treatment for you.


Side Effects of Allergy Shots  

Allergy shots are cost-effective and beneficial to people with allergies. However, many people stay away from this treatment because of the misconceptions surrounding it. One of them is that allergy shots can cause severe side effects. However, it is not true. Allergy shots are generally safe. They do not have any adverse reactions for both children and adults. However, one can develop swelling or redness in the area where the shot was just performed. You can reduce the swelling by applying ice to the injection site. 

It is also possible for patients to experience mild to moderate symptoms after the injection. Some of the most common signs that may occur include itchy skin, watery eyes, sneezing, and nasal congestion. You can take antihistamines to help ease these symptoms. 

A more severe reaction such as wheezing, coughing, or difficulty breathing can also occur. An anaphylactic reaction may cause dizziness, nausea, and swelling in the throat.  However, it rarely happens. Just to be safe, you can stay in the office so that the physician or the nurse can monitor your reaction. If you’re sick, you need to tell your allergist about it. You might need to skip the injection until you’ve fully recovered. 


Efficacy of Allergy Shots

A lot of people doubt the effectiveness of allergy shots. However, they are an extremely good way of treating allergies. In an article published by Harvard Health Publishing, allergy shots are a treatment that can help prevent or minimize symptoms. They can also control the development of new allergies. Also,  they can stop allergic rhinitis from turning into asthma. A study conducted by the American College of Allergy Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) found that pregnant women, who receive the treatment during pregnancy, decrease the possibility of their baby developing allergies.

Many factors affect how well allergy shots work. It depends on the severity of your symptoms or how many substances you’re allergic to. The length of the program may also affect the effectiveness of the treatment. Some people may find lasting relief while there may be others who will relapse after they stop taking the shots. If the allergy shots did not work for you, then there must have been something that was missed when you were first diagnosed with the condition. It is also possible that you were given an inadequate dose of allergen in the shot. Talk to your doctor and discuss other alternative treatment options. 



You don’t have to suffer through your allergy symptoms anymore. You can do something about it. We know there are a lot of allergy treatments available for the condition. However, if you want a treatment that can cause long-lasting relief, then allergy shots are your best bet. They are not just beneficial in minimizing your symptoms, but it can also potentially cure them so that you won’t need other medication.

Dr. Paul Jantzi has spent more than 13 years serving the south-central Texas region as an allergist. He is board-certified in allergy and immunology with prior specialty training in pediatrics and internal medicine. Schedule a meeting with him to learn more about immunotherapy and how it can help with your allergy symptoms. 

Dr. Paul Jantzi, a board-certified allergist and immunologist, provides allergy treatments in Texas with office locations in Bastrop, Brenham, College Station, Columbus, Giddings, and La Grange.

You can contact him at any of the Brazos Valley Allergy & Asthma Clinics for professional allergy, asthma, and immunology services to patients at six locations throughout the Brazos Valley. They provide the best care and affordable antibiotics for patients.

Disclaimer: Information on this website is not intended to be used in place of your professional medical advice or treatment. Please consult your doctor or healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition.

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